I am excited to have been invited by Roxy's Bistro Baron Thursday 25th of October to talk a little bit about myself, my 25 years in the security industry, the good and the bad experiences, also talk about some of the very exciting people I have and continue to work with, familiar faces you may indeed know and how the collaborations come about, there have been too many to list here.

I’ve had and continue to live a life that I don’t take for granted, I’ve met, worked with, worked for and enjoyed great times with very many remarkable people, some of which have become good friends.

I’m very grateful and pretty humbled to have even been asked and invited along so please come along, it’s free entry but space is limited, we call it intimate.

I want to take the opportunity to support the WBC Cares UK whom do amazing acts of kindness for children or people that need the help all around the world, we are this year looking at an initiative to help the homeless in Bournemouth, so hopefully on the night donations or ideas can be put forward.

Please come along on Thursday 25th October, I’m looking forward very much to the evening 🤗

#mas #roxys #thur25th #upclose #personal #supportingwbccaresuk


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