Former World Title Contender, British and Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion Scott Welch visited the gym this week to take a Tuesday night class at Poole WBC White Collar Academy.
This was especially significant as it was indeed Scott that created the WBC Programme with the approval of the WBC Cares UK.
It was a really fantastic class and for the guys who have not before met Scott it was a great experience to train with a boxer who has boxed at the very highest level, really good motivation for all to get and learn from a man of his calliber.
Scott loved visiting the gym and will be back soon!
The WBC Academy, the only one in our area is really going from strength to strength and we now have our regular members asking about competing on a show, so Steve and I will soon talk about our first WBC White Collar Boxing Show!
Very exciting times and a big THANK YOU to Scott and Dan for visiting the gym!