Yesterday I spent the day with our generation Ali team in Birmingham.

As many know some months ago, Kumel and I set out on a mission to do the very best we can to see the resurrection of the Ali Centre in Birmingham, something that even though I am not a resident of Birmingham, I know I can make a small difference and that small difference can make a big difference.


As many can imagine it is a very long, slow process, that certainly does not hold people back when you are as passionate about what you do as us.

We were joined yesterday by Three Time World Champion Wayne Turner,  and local business man Robert Stoubos. Wayne now an actor in his own right actually asked to come with us and has pledged his full support with what we are doing to see some movement with this now derelict building. 

We also managed after much effort and endless phone calls to confirm a meeting with the landowners, which was a very pleasant and encouraging experience. There is so much we wish we could tell people, but we cant yet, so please just watch this space.

PLEASE keep supporting us, keep spreading the word and telling your friends about Generation Ali as we know we can achieve this, we really really can!

Thank you to everyone who has already helped! 





